Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Chapter Twelve

Dragon Hunter

“Run!” yelled Flamebird, “We have to get past the border in an hour or they will kill us!” “Look, some boats!” cried Mentarok, Fenero’s brother. They were in the docks, near the forest; they knew the docks were filled with dynamite. They all got on the boats, but when they got on the boats, Firebreath stepped on dynamite that would set off if you touched it.  Half of the dock blew up, separating them all in different directions with Flamewing and Firebreath in the water, Draco and Fenero into the cave, which blocked the water.  The wood blocking the cave got destroyed, and sadly, killed Mentarok.

“Mentarok, brother!” screamed Fenero. Fenero bawled and bawled for 30 minutes, but a while after that, nothing good happened.

 “Fenero, look, the water is coming, we can’t fly so run!!!!” screamed Draco. They ran as fast as they could, but the water was coming closer and closer.  It was no use for Draco and Fenero. “We can’t make it, well we can be spirits in the sky, with my brother,” said Fenero, crying. “No, we will live on and find a better place where we are all happy!” screamed Draco.   Draco saw the exit close.  He ran with Fenero on his back, and jumped on the ground.

 They fell 10 feet to the ground, on a leaf pile. Fenero was crying so hard he made a big puddle of tears in a shallow hole, filling it up. Draco calmed Fenero down, 20 minutes later, Fenero was mostly calmed down.  Then, a big shadow of a human came.  It grabbed Fenero by the neck.  Fenero screamed, “Draco, run!” Draco ran fast and the human didn’t see him.  He dived in some water and floated to a cove.

Just then, the shadow of the human was grabbing Fenero by the neck.  He grabbed his machete and cut something of Fenero’s body.   He heard the loudest scream he had ever heard Fenero ever scream.  After that, the human screamed and fell down.

Draco came out of the water and looked.   The human was dead, and it was a dragon hunter. Something had hit him, and it killed him.  Draco was to sad that Fenero was dead, and he walked away, sad and crying out of the zone border.  He met up with Flamebird and Firebreath, but the strange thing was, he saw something like Fenero in the trees, but when he climbed up the trees, it vanished.
Author's Note:  Epic chapter and hope you liked it.
A01315 signing out


  1. So glad your writing again, I just didn't really understand the chapter.

    Otherwise I like it! Happy Holidays! ^^

    1. Nevermind, I didn't notice there was a chapter before this one :P

    2. Happy Holidays to you too

  2. why people no read chapter 11!!!!!

    1. NOOOO MENTROAK (or whatever his name is) H-how dare you!!!!!
